Read range
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Last updated
Component getting data from the Google Sheets cell range. The component works correctly only inside the Excel application container
Range: [String] Cell reader range (A1:D12). If nothong is specified, current selection will be used as range
Sheet name: [String] Sheet name
Variable (text): [List>] Variable for storing reading results
Variable (info): [List>] Variable for storing reading results with cell info
Variable (table): [System.Data.DataTable] Variable for storing reading results
Headers row: First row contains headers (for table)
LTools.Office.Model.ExcelCellInfo - Properties:
Value: [LTools.Office.Model.CellValue] Cell value
TextValue: [String] Cell text value
BackroundColor: [System.Drawing.Color] Cell background color
FontColor: [System.Drawing.Color] Cell font color
BorderType: [LTools.Office.Model.ExcelBorderTypes?] Cell border type
CustomBorderType: [LTools.Office.Model.ExcelCustomBorderTypes[]] Cell border type for ExcelBorderTypes.Custom
Height: [double?] Row height (determined by first cell)