Google Sheets

In order to connect to Google Sheets services you need to complete following steps:

Navigate to developer console

Create new project or choose existing then press Continue

Press Go to credentials

Press Cancel

Proceed to OAuth consent screen menu

Choose user type and press Create

Enter application name (any), user support email address and developer email then press Save and continue on all following forms

Navigate to Credentials menu then press Create credentials button. Click OAuth client ID

Choose Desktop app and enter application name (any). Press Create button. Securely store information from pop up window (Your client ID and Your client secret). Press OK

Download json file by pressing the button at application row. You will need to enter full local path to this file in property File path of Google Sheets document element.

To work with table you will need it's ID. You can get ID from table URL - it is the alphanumerical string between d/ and /edit parts. Enter that ID into Spreadsheet ID property of Google Sheets document element.

Last updated